Bhoomi’s story begins over 6,000 miles away, in the small South Indian village of Kaliyar, Kerala. It was in this village that farmer Appacha first discovered his love for food, cooking, and hospitality. Tales of his vibrant dishes and hospitable service returned to the English farm owner, who soon called upon Appacha to live and work in his farm house in Burford. Appacha accepted and brought with him his authentic southern-Indian dishes, much to the approval and delight of the owner’s friends, family, and neighbours. With recognisable and undeniable talent, Appacha finally settled here, in Cheltenham, where he worked for years as a private chef. Now, almost 50 years later, Appacha is the inspiration to grandson Michael, who has reignited the tastes and authenticity of Appacha’s southern-Indian dishes, which he now serves to you in the form of Bhoomi Kitchen.